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Vigil Mass & Vagonar Gala Program for the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, Sept 14, 2024

Writer's picture: P. Stanislav Bindas, CMP. Stanislav Bindas, CM

Updated: Aug 22, 2024

On the occasion of the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, Patroness of the Slovak Mission, we invite you to the Gala Program of the Folk Ensemble Vagonár from Poprad, Slovakia featuring their internationally acclaimed program "TA LEN Tak."

The performance will take place on Saturday, September 14th, 2024, in Performing Arts Center, 800 Porter Avenue, Lemont, IL 60439 Lemont, IL, following the Vigil Mass at 3:00 PM, which will be held in Slovak Mission, 9855 S Kean Ave, Palos Hills, IL 60465.

Gala Program - Vagonar from Slovakia

Address: Performing Arts Center, 800 Porter Avenue, Lemont, IL 60439

Open door: 4:30 PM

Program starts: 5:30 PM (~80 minutes)

Get your tickets at

Folk Ensemble Vagonar to perform in Chicago on Sept 14th, 2024, Performing Arts Center, Lemont IL

Enjoy the rich cultural heritage of Slovakia through their traditional music and dance. Immerse yourself in the vibrant rhythms and colorful costumes as the ensemble of 33 talented artists, dancers, singers, and musicians bring Slovak traditions to life.

Vagonar's latest program, TA LEN Tak, offers a vibrant dance exhibition showcasing the diversity and richness of Slovak regions through dances, songs, music, and traditional costumes. The SPIŠ program celebrates the region of Spiš, highlighting the dances and songs of seven different nationalities that once lived in the Spiš County of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire before the Great War. Both programs are accompanied by spoken word by a moderator.

POST-PROGRAM RECEPTION: 'Ľudová Veselica' at Slovak Mission

After the Gala Program, join us for a post-program reception and entertainment in the form of 'Ľudová Veselica' at the Slovak Mission, 9855 S Kean Ave, Palos Hills, IL 60465.

Concert attendees can join for free, while there will be a cover charge at the door for non-concert attendees.

Don't miss this opportunity to experience the magic of Slovak traditions. Enjoy the evening of Slovak heritage with Vagonar and Veselica at Slovak Mission to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows


Pri príležitosti Odpustovej Slávnosti Sviatku Sedembolestnej Panny Márie Patrónky Slovenskej Misie Vás pozývame na Gala Program Folklórneho súboru Vagonár z Popradu s ich medzinárodne oceneným programom "TA LEN Tak".

Vystúpenie sa uskutoční v sobotu 14. septembra 2024 v Lemont, IL, po vigílnej svätej omši o 15:00 hod., ktorá bude v Slovenskej Misii.

Gala Program FS Vagonár

Adresa : Performing Arts Center, 800 Porter Avenue, Lemont, IL 60439

Otvorenie dverí: 16:30 hod.

Začiatok programu: 17:30 hod. (~80 minút)

Ľudovú Veselica' v Slovak Mission

Po Gala programe vás znova pozývame do Slovenskej Misie na zábavu vo forme "Ľudovej Veselice."

Voľný vstup pre účastníkov Gala Programu.

Nezmeškajte túto príležitosť zažiť čaro slovenských tradícií. Užite si večer slovenského dedičstva spolu pri príležitosti osláv Odpustovej Slávnosti Sviatku Sedembolestnej Panny Márie.

Viac o celkovom programe odpustovej slávnosti PROGRAM.


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